Vulcana Pandele School
Vulcana Pandele School is a small school situated in a hilly rural area in Dambovita County, in the south-east of Romania. It was founded in 1964 in a place where fir trees lead the way to the entrance of the school, thus becoming the symbol of Vulcana Pandele School

There are about 200 students aged 6-14 at primary and elementary levels and 20 teachers in our school. Vulcana Pandele School also coordinates the activity of two small kindergartens located in the area. There are 75 pre-schoolers enrolled and four pre-primary teachers that work with them.
Our students got awarded in various local, national and international competitions as they proved their knowledge and talent.
The mission of Vulcana Pandele School is to develop within the community an inclusive environment where each and every child benefits of equal opportunities for personal development in order to become the citizens that the 21st century requires. We value each child and place him or her in the centre of our activities.

The school has partnerships with different local and national institutions that support our curricular and extracurricular activities. The students are involved in a variety of extracurricular activities related to cultural heritage, human rights, environment and healthy lifestyle.
Vulcana Pandele School’s motto is : Together, we can do it!